
Perfume River, Hue, Vietnam, October 2000

A boat ride on the Perfume River.  Numerous tombs of Vietnamese emperors line the river from when Hue was the capital of the country.
Which boat are we supposed to get on?
An eerie column at one of the tombs.
Fishing in the moat of a temple.
A boat ride on the Perfume River. Numerous tombs of Vietnamese emperors line the river from when Hue was the capital of the country. Which boat are we supposed to get on? An eerie column at one of the tombs. Fishing in the moat of a temple.

A good buddha.
Holly at one of the tombs.
And again.  This tomb was particularly tranqil.
Flowers. A good buddha. Holly at one of the tombs. And again. This tomb was particularly tranqil.

This kid was one of the boat owners' children.
Do you think we could find work in the public service?
Whadaya know?  Another pagoda!
I think this is a Chinese luck symbol.  Nice picture.
This kid was one of the boat owners' children. Do you think we could find work in the public service? Whadaya know? Another pagoda! I think this is a Chinese luck symbol. Nice picture.

The entrance to one of the tombs.
A big tower on the side of the river.
The entrance to one of the tombs. A big tower on the side of the river.