
Saigon, Vietnam, October 2000

No gears, difficult steering.  Who'd want to be a cyclo driver?
Holly living it up.
The Cu Chi Tunnels, a massive network of tunnels that the VC controlled just outside Saigon.
The "tourist" tunnels are wider than the real thing to accomodate us big Westerners.
No gears, difficult steering. Who'd want to be a cyclo driver? Holly living it up. The Cu Chi Tunnels, a massive network of tunnels that the VC controlled just outside Saigon. The "tourist" tunnels are wider than the real thing to accomodate us big Westerners.

Shooting an AK47 at Cu Chi.
Getting some experience in for the revolution.
Allez Aboo, a bar we frequented more than a little.
The chicken market in Cholon, the Chinese quarter.
Shooting an AK47 at Cu Chi. Getting some experience in for the revolution. Allez Aboo, a bar we frequented more than a little. The chicken market in Cholon, the Chinese quarter.

A pagoda before we got pagoda'd out.  They're everywhere!
You see this excellent cultural revolution propaganda all over Vietnam.  They're explaining the Australian term for "bia hoi".
Family planning and AIDS education is starting to happen.
I love this futurist statue.  The Soviet influence.
A pagoda before we got pagoda'd out. They're everywhere! You see this excellent cultural revolution propaganda all over Vietnam. They're explaining the Australian term for "bia hoi". Family planning and AIDS education is starting to happen. I love this futurist statue. The Soviet influence.

All for one and one for all...
A massive intersection with zillions of people, no traffic lights.
All for one and one for all... A massive intersection with zillions of people, no traffic lights.